Are you one of the 80% of adults who has experienced low back pain? Most back pain is acute, meaning it occurs suddenly and only lasts a few days to a few weeks. However, for some of us, it lasts months or even longer. This chronic low back pain can arise from injury, disease, poor posture, or other stresses put on the body. This pain can persist even with treatment from your doctor or physical therapist and can be felt as bone, nerve, or muscle pain. The pain intensity can range from mild to severe and can present as sharp, dull, aching, burning, stabbing, or tingling. It can even be hard to pinpoint the location of this pain. So, what can we do to help alleviate this chronic low back pain?
Try incorporating these strategies at home to improve and help prevent recurring back pain:
Learning how to manage chronic low back pain will help you live a healthier, happier life!
Start on your hands and knees on an exercise mat with knees underneath hips and wrists directly underneath shoulders. Engage your core and keep your head in line with your spine. Slowly raise and straighten your right arm and left leg until they are parallel to the floor, hold for 3-5 seconds, then lower yourself back to the starting position. Continue on the other side maintaining balance and control. This is one repetition on each side. Perform 12-15 repetitions on each side three times per day!