5-star Fitness

Megan Brandt

Megan is originally from Appleton, WI and received her MS from CALU of Pennsylvania after being awarded the Pursuit of Excellence in Health and Fitness Award. She previously operated her own personal training business for six years and prior to that, worked as a personal trainer and athletic trainer in a variety of settings, such as clinics, colleges, high schools, and health clubs. Megan's specialties include: Fitness assessments and programming, corrective exercise, injury rehabilitation, and health promotion. Credentials: Master of Science (MS) in Exercise Science and Health Promotion, Certified Athletic Trainer, National Athletic Training Association Certified Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, National Academy of Sports Medicine

Cardio Training

Mastering Your Cardio Training with Zone Workouts

Written By Megan Brandt • 3 min read

Are you tired of feeling uncertain about the effectiveness of your cardio training? Maybe you’ve been putting in the effort but haven’t seen the results you want. Perhaps you’re concerned about injuring yourself by pushing yourself too hard? Concerns... Read More
Exercise Myths Debunked

9 Exercise Myths Debunked

Written By Megan Brandt • 5 min read

Exercise Myths Debunked! So, you want to start exercising? But, you’re not sure where to start. Do you lift heavy or light? Should you skip cardio because it’ll “eat your muscle” gains? Will an expensive home gym setup to... Read More
Man and woman walking for Workout Recovery.

6 Tools To Enhance Workout Recovery

Written By Megan Brandt • 5 min read

In 2024, there’s little debate on the role exercise plays in our overall health! From reducing stress to improving mobility, exercise is medicine. But, like most things, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Yet,... Read More

Balance Training For Preventing Falls As We Age

Written By Megan Brandt • 3 min read

Ever felt dizzy or like the room is spinning unexpectedly? If these moments are happening more often, it could be a sign of a balance issue. Lots of older adults deal with feeling off-balance or dizzy, which can lead to... Read More
woman with hair in ponytail stretches her arms in the air

Understanding Mobility vs. Flexibility for Better Health

Written By Megan Brandt • 3 min read

Are You Flexible… and Mobile? Do you know that being mobile doesn’t always mean being flexible? Many use “flexibility” and “mobility” interchangeably, but understanding the difference is key to achieving your wellness goals. In short, mobility exercises enhance your... Read More
black and gray dumbbells against gray background

Curious about the hidden benefits of Strength Training?

Written By Megan Brandt • 3 min read

Beyond Muscles and Mass: Uncovering The Hidden Benefits of Strength Training In the pursuit of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle, incorporating an effective fitness routine is key. Among the various components of fitness, strength training stands out as a... Read More
man's legs stand next to weight plate against a gym floor

End Your Fitness Plateau with Progressive Overload!

Written By Megan Brandt • 3 min read

Are you feeling overwhelmed and uninspired with your current exercise routine in the gym? Frustrated with your gym routine not yielding desired results? This happens to a lot of us. The good news: There’s a solution to your problem—Progressive... Read More
woman in athletic clothing holds dumbbells in home

Why You Should Focus on Fat Loss vs Weight Loss!

Written By Megan Brandt • 3 min read

It’s that time of the year when people begin to make resolutions for the new year. Also, for many, a primary goal might be this: “I want to lose weight!” In fact, a top reason people choose Premier Fitness... Read More
legs with workout band across calves in woman's living room

The 4 Components of a Well-Rounded Fitness Lifestyle!

Written By Megan Brandt • 4 min read

What comes to mind when you think of fitness training or “getting-in-shape?” Curling a big dumbbell? Loading heavy weights on a squat rack? Or, how about this one—running an endless amount of miles on the treadmill hoping to sweat... Read More
Silhouettes of people jumping into the air with the words "EXERCISE AND DIGESTIVE HEALTH" written above

Exercise and Digestive Health

Written By Megan Brandt • 2 min read

Did you know that how much we move affects how our digestive system functions, independent of food intake? Exercise not only helps you digest food better and manage digestive health conditions, but it also positively affects your gut microbiome!... Read More

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