She’s fiesty, spunky, spontaneous, sweet, tough, loving—everything you need in a top fitness trainer. Renee Havlusch brightens up the gym (literally with her neon leg warmers!) and her infectious energy ramps up PFC clients for workouts! When she’s not drenching clients in sweat in spin class or toning abs in pilates, Renee is making her PFC team laugh and sharing awesome fun facts we just had to share with you!
Read on to learn 25 Things you didn’t know about your PFC Fitness Trainer, Renee Havlusch!
Favorite TV show Once Upon a Time
Favorite Movie Star Wars
Favorite Color Yellow
Favorite Restaurant Casa De Bandini
Favorite Exercise Pound Class or Spin!
Guilty Pleasure Disneyland! Can’t get enough of the most magical place in the world:)
Pet Peeve Not coming home to a made bed.
Healthy Mantra Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live. – Jim Rhone
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Never judge anyone. You don’t know where or what they’ve been through.
Favorite genre of food? Mexican
Go-to healthy snack Beef Jerky because it’s a quick and delicious source of protein. I make my own in a dehydrator!
Favorite Book: The Count of Monte Cristo
What were you doing before you were a Top PFC Fitness Coach? I had my own business management business for 7 years and then decided that was just not my purpose in life…. I knew needed to help people in a different way.
What inspires you? My dad because of his integrity, honesty and his ability to love every one.
Favorite hobby besides making campers sweat: Camping and hiking. Love me some mother nature.
15 Minutes of fame Modeling in my 20’s!
Top 3 songs to workout out to Any Metallica, Linkin Park or techno!
What is your favorite ingredient to cook with? Garlic. That ingredient makes everything taste good.
Hidden Talent? I can touch my nose with my tongue:)
Favorite time of day Twilight
Are you injury prone? You could say that… I’ve broken my foot, arm and toes!
If you could workout with any famous person (dead or alive) who would it be and why? Joseph Pilates. He’s a pioneer of the fitness industry and the creator of my favorite workout.
I’ve seen every episode of… Big Bang Theory
Any Tattoos? Yes, only 1!
Neat freak or Messy? I suppose in between:)
I’m afraid of… Sharks
If I can travel anywhere in the world today, I’d go to… Italy or Ireland